A Secret About Living Pterosaurs


By the investigative journalist Jonathan Whitcomb

I just uploaded a new video to Youtube: “Living Pterosaurs -Why fear? —Plus: a secret.” This is one of many videos on my Youtube channel Protect Animal Life, and each one is about these featherless flying creatures.

A Secret Revealed in the Video and Here

What about these people who see live “pterodactyls?” Are they religious fanatics or simple and ignorant and overly imaginative? I’ve interviewed hundreds of eyewitnesses, over the past 16 years, and most of them appear to be healthy, ordinary persons who have seen an extraordinary flying creature.

Here’s the secret: Eyewitnesses who have contacted me from five continents of the earth strike me as generally diverse. They come from various cultures, from various countries, from people of various languages, and from various backgrounds.

They also have various religious beliefs and various opinions about evolution and the origin of life on earth. I also mentioned in the video that eyewitnesses also have a variety of degrees of conviction about things they believe.

Because details in descriptions, of the apparent pterosaurs, are similar, from eyewitnesses of various backgrounds, etc, the animals must be real. If some weakness in a particular culture (or religion, etc) caused a particular group of persons to be mistaken in reporting living pterosaurs, then those persons could have made similar mistakes. Since eyewitnesses are so diverse, they must have seen actual animals.

Youtube Video “Living Pterosaurs – Why fear?”

Two kinds of fear and a secret



Living Pterosaurs in Newspapers

I uploaded a new video to youtube, “Living Pterosaurs – in newspapers” and present it as an introduction to such newspaper articles.


Religion and Science

If it’s quantities of Biblical quotes or complex scientific concepts that prove the Bible is true, this nonfiction [book] would compete poorly with at least two books available on Amazon. But for true-life adventures of Christian explorers who live their faith by getting actively involved, Searching for Ropens and Finding God may be a step above any other book in the religion/science-and-religion genre.


Living pterosaurs in North Carolina

Youtube video on the channel Protect Animal Life


Pterodactyl Book for Kids and Teens

Youtube video about the nonfiction book for older children and for younger teenagers—This book is titled “The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur”


Videos about modern pterosaurs

This blog post introduces a playlist on the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. The name of the playlist is “Music Videos – Living Pterosaurs”
