Pterodactyl Press Releases


By Jonathan Whitcomb

Over the past two decades, many online press releases have been published about modern pterodactyls, and some of them are about encounters with large featherless flying creatures in the United States. The following are but three of those news releases:

Strange Flying Creatures Reported in Utah (and Other States)

A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed eyewitness accounts of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called “pterodactyls” or “flying dinosaurs,” and found that several states in the USA stand out, including Utah. Jonathan Whitcomb, of Murray, Utah, has been receiving emails since 2004, from five continents, and most of those reported sightings, in recent years, have been in North America.


Murray, Utah, Resident Seeks Eyewitnesses

American veterans are the focus of an investigation by a nonfiction author living in Murray, Utah. Jonathan Whitcomb . . . writes about an animal not yet openly acknowledged by most Western scientists.

It seems to be a nocturnal flying creature reported by World War II veterans who fought in the Pacific. Unlike the fruit bats that are common in Papua New Guinea and Australia, this animal has a long tail and has been described by some eyewitnesses as much larger.


modern pterodactyl sketch by eyewitness Sandra Paradise

Live Pterosaur in Georgia?

Reports of living “pterodactyls” in Georgia, during the past seven years, probably relate to sightings of some flying creatures in South Carolina and Florida, according to author Jonathan Whitcomb, of California.

He compiled statistics, late in 2012, from sighting reports he received over the past nine years, including accounts from eyewitnesses from Georgia. Whitcomb believes those flying creatures in the southeastern United States are related to the “Gitmo Pterosaur” of Cuba, a large featherless winged animal, not yet classified in Western biology.




Press Releases About Non-Extinct Pterodactyls

Over the past eighteen years, many press releases have been published about encounters that people have have with apparent living pterosaurs.


Big Flying Creature in Utah

A newspaper article was published in Salt Lake City, about a century ago, reporting a huge flying creature described as half-bird and half-reptile.


New view on the “fiery flying serpent”

. . . why label any snake with “flying?” So many better descriptions come to mind for an animal that might ambush, surprise, or terrorize its victims from the ground. . . .


Bible Supported by a new Nonfiction Book

The “fiery flying serpent” of the Old Testament still flies, according to the fourth edition of a nonfiction book by Jonathan Whitcomb. [or at least a flying creature related to the species mentioned in the Bible]


Marfa Lights to Monstrous Heights

My recent press release (Unmasking a Flying Predator in Texas), to promote my new book (second edition, that is) Live Pterosaurs in America, received indirect attention from the Houston Chronicle, the largest-daily-circulation newspaper in Texas.


Why Believe in the Ropen or Modern “Pterodactyls”

Why are some skeptics so insistent that somebody must force them to believe in non-extinct pterosaurs before they will believe? The following is part of a comment made under a Youtube video on my channel Protect Animal Life, and it’s from a young man who used to live in Florida . . .


Living Pterosaurs in Newspapers

On occasion over the past 16 years, a critic might say something like, “If pterosaur are still living, why do we not see newspaper articles on them?” Such a skeptic may assume that he or she would have heard or read about such a newspaper article if it existed. In reality, no critic of living-pterosaur investigations reads every headline of every newspaper . . .


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