Apparent Pteranodon in a Civil War Photo

By the modern pterosaur expert Jonathan David Whitcomb

Why did it take me so many years to recognize the validity of the old photograph that we now call “Ptp?” I’ve been investigating eyewitness reports of apparent extant pterosaurs since 2003, spending well over 10,000 hours on my investigation, which now approaches 14 years of work. I’ve known of this photo for a long time, having first seen it in an old book, possibly as early as 1968, to the best of my memory.

But not until January 14, 2017, did I give the image my full support as valid evidence for a modern pterosaur. That’s when I talked with the physicist Clifford Paiva by phone, and we agreed that the photo has a valid image of a real animal. We stopped short of insisting it must be a species of Pteranodon; neither of us is a paleontologist. But the resemblance of its head to that of a Pteranodon is obvious.

Why Did it Take so Long to Recognize?

Be aware that Paiva recognized the importance of this photo many years ago, and I wrote about the possibility of its authenticity in several blog posts in 2013. He deserves the credit for his early examination and recognition of Ptp, and I finally see it for what it is, so I might not be the slowest fool who has ever lived on this planet, maybe not the slowest.

But since I have the biggest mouth, of all humans who have ever lived, on the subject of modern pterosaurs, what happened? A brief online search with something like “living pterosaurs” could give one the impression that I’ve written more on this subject, of sightings of apparent pterosaurs, than everybody else in the world combined, at least when viewing the first few page-results from a Google search. Why was I so slow?

Before viewing Ptp, be aware that another photo has been orchestrated to promote a TV show, and that imitation, a hoax-photo from Civil-War reenactors, has caused confusion. The fake-photo was created around the year 2000 to promote the Freakylinks series (produced by Haxan Films) which was on the Fox Network. You can recognize the hoax photo in several ways, one being the “soldier” on the far left, who is heavyset, with his shirt mostly unbuttoned.

Rather than dwell on that, however, let’s examine the original (Ptp) photograph:

Ptp apparent Civil War photograph: verified in a declaration of authenticity

Figure-1: Ptp photograph declared authentic (click to see both photos for comparison)


“Canoe” Appearance of Wings

Some persons, when they first see this photo, get the impression that the wings are actually one or two canoes, put together to make a model of a giant “pterodactyl.” I was one of those who made that mistake many years ago. But early in January of 2017, I got an email from a Tom Paine, who told me this:

I’ve canoed all my life. I’ve owned several of them. Those aren’t halves of a canoe! . . . Too narrow, too shallow. And definitely not a dugout canoe!

Well, of course it’s obviously not ends of one or two canoes, after you look closely and carefully. Even if an adult could fit into a canoe of that size, it would not stay afloat for more than a couple of seconds or so. In other words, those apparent wings are not the ends of canoes.

Where’s the Background Story?

That canoe blunder was only the first stumbling block for me. In more recent years, I’ve wondered this: How could an authentic photograph of a modern pterosaur not be attached to a newspaper story that was passed down through the generations, resulting in some degree of official recognition of the photograph? That was part of what kept me from looking more closely at Ptp many years ago.

In recent weeks, I’ve seen the other side of the street: How could an extremely elaborate hoax photo not be claimed by the person or persons responsible, after so many years? Some persons remember it from the mid-20th century, long before Photoshop existed. If Ptp were a hoax photo, it was apparently put together decades ago, and what a project it would have been! A model created to look so much like a Pteranodon—that would have taken a lot of work.  Somebody should have taken credit for it by now, if it were a hoax.

But let’s get back to my second stumbling block: Where’s the newspaper story of a huge flying “monster” that was photographed in the mid-19th century? I don’t know of any such newspaper article. That does not mean no such story was ever printed, of course. Yet there’s an explanation for why such a story did not become well known.

Put the case that a photographer, during the Civil War, captured the image we see, the photo now called “Ptp.” Would it not have been labeled an “unknown bird” or “monster?” Almost nobody had any knowledge, at that time, of what a non-fossilized Pteranodon would have looked like, even if they knew of that name. Sketches were published in the early 20th century, of that type of pterosaur, but those images were preliminary, with little knowledge even at that later time.

So what would a newspaper editor, in the 1860’s, do with a photograph that looked like it had a weird elongated head of some creature connected to two apparent ends of a canoe? Give it back to the photographer. The most interesting part of the story would have been in the photograph itself, and newspapers did not print photographs at that time. In addition, if this was during the Civil War, how many exciting and important battle stories would that editor have to publish!

The point is this: An American newspaper editor in the 1860’s would not likely realize that this was a photograph of a creature that was supposed to have become extinct long ago. And even if one editor was bright enough and informed enough to recognize that possibility, an older editor-in-chief would have shot down his suggestion that the story be published. Who cares about a weird unidentified bird? After all, we have a war to cover.

Why was it not Officially Recognized Sooner?

My third stumbling block probably has tripped up other persons as well. If Ptp is an authentic photograph of a modern pterosaur, why has it not been recognized before the 21st century, with newspaper headlines and many scientific papers being published about it in journals of science in the 20th century? Good question.

A good answer could require a book-length examination. Here, at the end of a blog post, we’ll have to be brief. Deep indoctrination into universal extinctions of basic types of life—that has made objective evaluation of evidence for extant pterosaurs extremely rare in Western societies. Who wants to rock the boat, even if the canoe conjecture cannot stay afloat? It’s much easier to proclaim “Photoshop” and turn away from the photo. At least a professor will then have a good chance to hold onto his respected position at a university.

In reality, scientists who are willing to examine Ptp and proclaim its authenticity are more rare than the largest of extant pterosaurs that fly overhead at night. Skeptics have been accumulating weapons for over a century, ready to be aimed and fired at anyone who proclaims they have evidence that looks threatening to old dogmas about universal extinctions. Few of us are willing to stand up and speak out, knowing of the imminent barrage that will be coming our way.


Copyright 2017 Jonathan Whitcomb


Was a Pterodactyl Shot During the American Civil War?

Much confusion has come from publicity involving two photographs that, on the surface, greatly resemble each other. The following shows them side by side for comparison

Modern Pterosaur in a Civil War Photograph

Notice that the important subjects of the photo, the strange winged animal and the soldiers—all of them are in reasonably good focus, a characteristic of Civil War photography.

Extinction of Pterosaurs

The popular textbook declaration that all species became extinct millions of years ago, universal pterosaur extinction—that concept itself is approaching extinction.



"Live Pterosaurs in America" (3rd edition) - Eyewitness Reports of Pterosaurs

Third edition of the nonfiction cryptozoology book Live Pterosaurs in America


The “Fiery Flying Serpent” and the Geologic Column

By cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb

In criticizing the case for modern living pterosaurs, Glen Kuban (who has at least an amateur interest in paleontology, if not a professional interest) in his web page “Living Pterosaurs?” has said:

“While finding a living species of pterosaur would be a monumental discovery, it would do nothing to refute mainstream geology.”

That statement he wrote near the beginning of his very lengthy web page, an online publication that was engineered to discredit the possibility of non-extinct pterosaurs. At the end of his lengthy page he wrote something similar:

“If living pterosaurs were someday confirmed, it would be a wonderful scientific discovery, but do nothing to undermine mainstream geology.”

I have found many problems and weaknesses in his page, but his dogmatic insistence on the validity of old concepts of geology—that in itself has weakness. Yet I have already written much, in my other publications, about the problems in “Living Pterosaurs?” by Glen Kuban, so I’ll leave most of them alone now.

How does all that relate to “The fiery flying serpent and the geologic column?” It’s the dogmatic assertion that all species of pterosaurs should have become extinct many millions of years ago. If the problem were with only one paleontologist, I would not delve into the matter. But the problem is much deeper.


near the bottom of Neff's Canyon, Utah

Rock formations in Neff’s Canyon, just east of the Salt Lake Valley of Utah


What was the fiery flying serpent in the Bible?

I’ve written much, over many years, about a new explanation for the fiery flying serpent mentioned in the Old Testament. I’ll take a simple direct approach here. The animal that caused many deaths among the children of Israel, at the time of Moses, was a long-tailed pterosaur, a nocturnal Rhamphorhynchoid (“basal”) pterosaur with intrinsic bioluminescence.

So a “pterodactyl” was not yet extinct at the time of Moses? Precisely. And long-tailed pterosaurs are still not extinct, at least in a limited number of nocturnal species observed worldwide.


"Gitmo Pterosaur" of Cuba

A North American ropen, observed in 1965 in eastern Cuba; sketch by the eyewitness


Modern search for a “living fossil” in Papua New Guinea

I’ve spent over 10,000 hours, over the past 14 years, in my investigation of eyewitness reports of a flying creature that most Westerners assume became extinct long ago, and I do not mean that I’ve been surfing the internet for what others have said about this subject. About one year into my research, I lead an expedition on a remote tropical island in the southwest Pacific: Umboi Island in Papua New Guinea.

I did not visit the volcanic island of Umboi to examine rock strata. I was a forensic videographer seemingly outside his normal area of investigation: searching for a flying cryptid that natives of the Kovai language call “ropen.” When I failed to see the ropen, however, I reverted back to my profession and interviewed native eyewitnesses while videotaping them. I returned to the United States late in 2004, convinced that the native eyewitnesses had told me the truth about what they had seen.

A few weeks later, two other American cryptozoologists explored the same island, interviewing mostly other natives, mostly with other techniques and procedures. My two associates came to the same conclusion: The ropen of Umboi Island is a large extant long-tailed pterosaur. Over the next twelve years, I wrote three nonfiction books on these featherless flying creatures:

  • Searching for Ropens and Finding God
  • Live Pterosaurs in America
  • Live Pterosaurs in Australia and in Papua New Guinea

Only a small part of those writings mentioned the fiery flying serpent of the Bible, yet I did mention it in some of my web pages and blog posts. My primary concern was promoting awareness of recent eyewitness sightings of the amazing featherless flying creatures, as reports continued to come to me from various parts of the world.

A scientific paper in a peer-reviewed journal

I also wrote “Reports of Living Pterosaurs in the Southwest Pacific,” which was published by Creation Research Society Quarterly (Vol. 45, #3, Winter, 2009). The article in this journal of science is now available for anyone to investigate, if they choose. I’ll not quote from it here, but it contains much that we learned from those two expeditions in Papua New Guinea in 2004, including a few points about the glow of the nocturnal ropen.


Unscientific skepticism in the writings of some paleontologists

The following contains brief excerpts from online writings of some of the skeptics who have written critically of my investigation, or have criticized the work of my associates, especially some of the more negative, unscientific writings. I would not give it much attention except that these two scientists are among the more acclaimed paleontologists.


Donald Prothero (online post “Fake Pterosaurs and Sock Puppets”):

“… the internet has made it possible for myths and legends to spread … [they] can be intentionally distorted —especially online … so it is with cryptozoology … a single individual can create a whole mythology about a cryptid, all by himself. Such has apparently happened with the pterosaur-like cryptid … ‘ropen.’

“Brian Switek discussed … but did not spot a deception … virtually all discussion … comes from a single individual, Jonathan Whitcomb! . . . a Mormon creationist who believes [in the Bible]”

Prothero soon thereafter declares “Whitcomb admits the deception.” But I NEVER said that I used any deception. In fact, my temporary use of two pen names was to declare the truth: details about eyewitness sighting reports of apparent living pterosaurs. Why did this paleontologist write so much, in this online post, about “deception” from a person with whom he did not communicate with beforehand, a cryptozoologist who has different religious beliefs than he has? And why did he feel the need to write anything about the religious beliefs of a cryptozoologist? How unscientific!

I hope I’m not misunderstood here. I support proper scientific skepticism. But when one scientist disagrees with another scientist and proclaims that the other person has used deception—that is probably highly inappropriate, at least. In this case, we see unscientific skepticism.


Darren Naish (online post “Pterosaurs alive in, like, the modern day!”)

“… much of the propaganda surrounding the ropen (for example) comes from ‘young earth creationists’ who seem to think that ‘living pterosaurs’ provide support for their views …”

But in the next paragraph he includes this:

“… most accounts are tremendously vague and do not report any of the details we would need to be confident that we are dealing with real animals. … [The accounts] are often contradictory, variously describing the creatures as having bat-like, ape-like or beaked faces.”

I see a number of problems with those two paragraphs. Let’s deal with the faces.

The first, and larger, paragraph refers to young earth creationists, and the second paragraph appears to relate to that. Perhaps Naish would have done better if he had been less vague himself. The problem is this: contradictory descriptions of faces—that appears to SOMETIMES apply to the overall world of strange flying creatures of cryptozoology; it applies poorly, however, to the writings of young earth creationist cryptozoologists. Indeed, my associates and I have pointed out similarities in the descriptions of the heads in sighting reports. Note the following:

independent sketches of the ropen of New Guinea

Two independent composite sketches of the ropen

Both of the above images were chosen by eyewitnesses, the top one by a man who saw a large flying creature on Bougainville Island, New Guinea. The bottom image was chosen by a man who saw a huge “pterodactyl” near Finschhafen, New Guinea.

The top image was the sketch chosen by the eyewitness Brian Hennessy (sighting in 1971). The bottom image was chosen by Duane Hodgkinson (sighting in 1944). This two-head image has been published extensively, in print format and online. I interviewed both eyewitnesses. Each man chose a head-shape without knowledge of the other man’s choice.


similar sketches of a living pterosaur in Cuba

Two sketches by two eyewitnesses, both sightings in Cuba: in 1971 and in 1965

In online publications, the above two sketches are not always shown side by side, unless perhaps the web page or blog post was about pterosaur sightings in Cuba. But anyone who does a detailed online search for pterosaur sighting reports in North America—that researcher should not have much difficulty in finding these two sketches and in noticing the striking similarity of these drawings. Notice the similar heads. Neither one looks “bat-like” or “ape-like.”

The left sketch was drawn by the U.S. Marine Eskin Kuhn, now living in Ohio, soon after his sighting of two “pterodactyls” at close range, at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 1971. I’ve interviewed him in recent years.

The right sketch was drawn by Patty Carson, now living in California. She saw the flying creature at close range, also at Guantanamo Bay, in 1965. She drew her sketch more recently. I’ve also interviewed her in recent years.

To the point, Darren Naish would probably have done much better if he had done more thorough research before writing about supposed problems with cryptozoological investigations by “young earth creationists.” He would probably also have done better if he had kept more to his field of paleontology.

I’m not saying that he’s 100% wrong by using the words “variously describing the creatures.” In one sense, that does fit the case of a disagreement between two scientific papers, but neither of those fits with faces looking “bat-like” or “ape-like.”

I know of only two published scientific papers on the subject of modern (non-extinct) pterosaurs:

  1. The Fiery Flying Serpent” (by David Woetzel)
  2. “Reports of Living Pterosaurs in the Southwest Pacific” (by me, Jonathan Whitcomb)

But that difference between two images is between two kinds of Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs, with neither head suggesting anything bat-like or ape-like.

And I’m not saying that he’s 100% wrong in one other sense: Some online cryptozoology sites can mention cryptids that have at least sometimes been mentioned with bat-like or ape-like faces, and some of those descriptions may classify those cryptids as flying creatures. One example is the Ahool of Indonesia.

Yet I found nothing, in a brief online search, that suggests any young earth creationist has ever made any major online attempt at promoting the Ahool as a modern pterosaur. One page mentions that cryptid as a “cousin” of the ropen of Papua New Guinea, but that page shows no sign of being written by any young earth creationist.

I have written and published over a thousand web pages and blog posts on modern non-extinct pterosaurs. Among those many online publications, on rare occasions I have mentioned the Ahool and the Orang Bati, yet it seems very unlikely that Darren Naish would have stumbled upon one of those few pages. Try a Google search with “modern pterosaur” and it will be extremely unlikely that you’ll see Ahool or Orang Bati, even if you’re looking for those words.

Online searching for cryptid lists is different. You can find the Ahool and the Orang Bati on at least one of those lists, but I see no sign that any of them were written by any young earth creationist.

The Orang Bati of Seram Island

Here’s one page that I did publish under the title of “Orang Bati,” although it seems highly unlikely that Naish had seen it. Looking into the details, however, what is written on that page, it does not at all support the idea that the quest for promoting living pterosaurs mostly involves accounts that are  “tremendously vague and do not report any of the details we would need to be confident that we are dealing with real animals.”

Look at my page “Orang-Bati of Seram Island” and notice the two detailed sketches near the top of that page. Further down the page you’ll see Gideon Koro, whom I interviewed while videotaping him on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea, during my expedition in 2004. Notice his estimate of the length of the tail that he and six other eyewitnesses saw on the ropen that fly over Lake Pung in 1994: “Gideon estimated the tail length at seven meters.” How does that relate to what Darren Naish said about “tremendously vague?” I doubt he saw my page before he wrote those words.

And yet I did write a page on the Orang Bati, which has been said by some persons to be “bat-like or somewhat monkey-like.” When you read what I wrote on that page, however, my intentions can become clear. I recognized the potential mistake that some people may make with some flying cryptids in the southwest Pacific. In other words, an eyewitness could see a ropen in Indonesia and use the word “Orang Bati” in reporting the sighting. An important point in living-pterosaur investigations is not so much in a label given to the flying creature as it is in the detailed descriptions of what the animal looked like.

The geologic column does not prove universal pterosaur extinction

Now for a brief mentioning of an idea that many paleontologists may find distasteful: All the discovered fossils of pterosaurs, no matter how they are dated, cannot prove that even one of their species is extinct. To criticize or ridicule cryptozoologists for publicizing eyewitness accounts of apparent modern non-extinct pterosaurs—that criticism is not helping to promote scientific advancement.

Cryptozoological investigations are best done by enquiring crytozoologists, not unscientifically-skeptical paleontologists, regardless of all the degrees they may have in paleontology. I’m grateful for the many wonderful things that we have learned from paleontologists, including wonderful details learned by paleontologists from examining pterosaur fossils. I applaud those who continue to make progress with fossils of those flying creatures. Just please don’t try to shoot down the possibility that some species are still flying around at night, few in number but non-extinct.


In the context of countless recent sighting reports of living pterosaurs, some of which accounts include details suggesting some of the flying creatures use bioluminescence, the fiery flying serpent needs to be reconsidered:

  • “Fiery” relates to a nocturnal glow of bioluminescence, not the pain of a bite
  • “Flying” refers to literal flying, NOT snakes leaping out of trees
  • “Serpent” comes from a superficial resemblance to snakes when the wings are folded up



What is the Fiery Flying Serpent of the Bible?

Some Bible scholars have assumed that a story of anything like a flying fire-breathing dragon could not have come from any real animal. Thus, to avoid a strange direct interpretation, we’ve been fed indirect meanings for “fiery” and “flying.” . . . In 2003, I began studying eyewitness accounts of strange flying creatures in Papua New Guinea. [The ropen, an apparent Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur]

The Ropen of Papua New Guinea and the Fiery Flying Serpent

Do we have any interpretation that would include a clear and accurate connection between an animal that lived a few thousands of years ago and these three words: fiery, flying, and serpent? [The best explanation is that it was a long-tailed bioluminescent pterosaur, what some would call a “glowing pterodactyl”]

Misconceptions About the Geologic Column

. . . the standard geologic column was devised before 1860 by catastrophists who were creationists.1 Adam Sedgewick, Roderick Murchison, William Coneybeare, and others affirmed that the earth was formed largely by catastrophic processes, and that the earth and life were created.


How do Modern Pterosaurs Relate to Geology?

I have interviewed eyewitnesses of apparent pterosaurs since 2004, including two who reported such flying creatures gliding over the I-5 Freeway near Griffith Park, in Los Angeles, in 2013. Most eyewitnesses have appeared credible, with no obvious motivation for a hoax and almost never any sign of a mental health problem. Misidentifications, in many sightings, are unlikely. So how do these sightings relate to geology? It’s complicated.

Let’s examine the words of one skeptic who was adamant that “there is currently no even vaguely convincing evidence for living pterosaurs” [David Hone, early 2009]. He also said:

Even if pterosaurs are alive today and we could prove it, it would *not* disprove or even challenge evolutionary theory. It would just add one group to an admittedly short list that survived the KT extinction and then crawled around for a long time undetected.

I see several problems with the above statement. Let’s consider each problem, beginning with “evolutionary theory.”

There is no Unified, Concise “Evolutionary Theory”

I suggest that common definitions of “evolution” often do not fit neatly together in any form that is accepted by any great majority of scientists. The American philosopher and author David Berlinski put it more strongly:

Before you can ask, “Is Darwinian Theory correct or not?” you have to ask the preliminary question: “Is it clear enough so that it could be correct?” That’s a very different question.

One of my prevailing doctrines about Darwinian Theory is: man that thing is just a mess. It’s like looking into a room full of smoke. Nothing in the theory is precisely, clearly, carefully defined and delineated. It lacks all of the rigor one expects from Mathematical Physics. And Mathematical Physics lacks all of the rigor one expects from Mathematics. So we’re talking about a gradual decent down the level of intelligibility, until we reach Evolutionary Biology.

Sometimes a supporter of Darwin’s philosophy will give an example of one form of evolution as if it were evidence for unlimited common ancestry. But a cave fish losing sight is an example of the loss of genetic information, better termed “devolution,” which is the opposite of Darwin’s idea of small simple organisms evolving into large complex ones. And that is just one example of how one form of “evolution” does not necessarily give any evidence at all for unlimited common ancestry philosophy.

Would Proof of Living Pterosaurs be Meaningless?

Getting back to David Hones proclamation, look again at his words: “It would just add one group,” referring to organisms that he believes survived the “KT extinction.” But I have been proclaiming that a number of species of pterosaurs are still living and that those flying creatures include both “basal” and Pterodactyloid types. The official scientific discovery of those species of still-living pterosaurs, in those two types, would create a huge concussion, smashing through the façade of universal-extinction dogmas.

How has Darwin’s philosophy, his General Theory of Evolution, been promoted for generations of human life? Much of the promotion has been through giving examples of ancient life as if extinctions were general for various forms. Many kinds of dinosaurs and pterosaurs have been displayed in the context of general extinctions, as evidence that they were “ancient” forms, and that we now live among mostly “modern” forms of life.

To proclaim that the discovery of various species of living pterosaurs would not “even challenge evolutionary theory” gives us additional evidence that those ideas are philosophical, not scientific. When a scientific idea is threatened, the foundation of that idea can be reevaluated, with the possibility that it may be overthrown; when a philosophical idea is threatened, however, new explanations are often brought up, with speculations given as support for the old idea. Here lies the weakness in Hone’s proclamation that the discovery of living pterosaurs would not “even challenge evolutionary theory.” Mr. Hone inadvertently demonstrates that “evolutionary theory” is not scientific but philosophical.

What Does That Mean: “Short List?”

Hone refers to another theory, a single mass extinction event many millions of years ago, at least according to that thinking. Wikipedia explains the idea thus:

The Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) extinction event, formerly known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K–T) extinction, was a mass extinction of some three-quarters of plant and animal species on Earth—including all non-avian dinosaurs—that occurred over a geologically short period of time 66 million years (Ma) ago.

Notice the phrase “including all non-avian dinosaurs.” The pterosaur expert David Peters said, “Everyone knows that pterosaurs, dinosaurs and a host of other prehistoric reptiles died out at the K/T (Cretaceous/Tertiary) boundary ~65 mya.” That means pterosaurs are meant to be included. But who told all those species of dinosaurs and pterosaurs that they all had to become extinct? It didn’t actually work out so neatly as all that, for some species still survive, albeit acknowledged in cryptozoology circles, not yet scientifically acknowledged.

The point is this: The list is not really so short if a number of species of dinosaurs and pterosaurs are still living in forms easily recognized as quite similar to the fossil forms. Proclamations that for over a century have supported Darwin’s unlimited common ancestry philosophy are demolished with numerous discoveries of modern dinosaurs and pterosaurs. Confidence in the underlining axioms will indeed be shaken.

Pterosaur Extinction and Glen Kuban

To the best of my knowledge, Glen Kuban is a geologist, at least as an amateur, supporting standard models. He said something similar to part of David Hone’s statement:

While finding a living species of pterosaur would be a monumental discovery, it would do nothing to refute mainstream geology.

Again, here is Hone’s statement:

Even if pterosaurs are alive today and we could prove it, it would *not* disprove or even challenge evolutionary theory.

Standard model (“mainstream”) geology is closely tied to unlimited common ancestry (“evolutionary theory”). They seem to closely support each other, and neither one is commonly acknowledged to be based on the philosophy of extreme naturalism, even though that is indeed their foundation. In a sense, both Davie Hone and Glen Kuban are correct: No number of pterosaur discoveries can refute or disprove what is, in its essence, a philosophy rather than a science. Those two have unwittingly uncovered that startling fact. Darwinian evolution and mainstream geology are based on a philosophy, not on a scientific foundation.


The Griffith Park observatory and planetarium in Los Angeles, California

The Griffith Park Astronomy Museum, just west of two sighting locations for modern living pterosaurs


Pterosaur Sightings Near Griffith Park

I noticed several differences between the two sightings. The first was of three flying creatures, gliding in a triangular formation . . . the second was of one flying creature, gliding in a different direction and at a different time of day.

California Ropens – Are They Woodpeckers?

When referring to the sighting of an apparent pterosaur southeast of Griffith Park (May 13, 2013), one skeptic said, “This sounds like possibly another series of sightings of an outsized woodpecker similar to the Ivory-billed woodpecker.” But that remark appears to be a hasty response, without reference to the critical sighting of three “dragons” just ten weeks earlier and just a mile and a half to the north.


How Does Cryptozoology Relate to Geology?

I’m a cryptozoologist, specializing in sightings of apparent pterosaurs. How does that relate to the Hydroplate Theory? Walt Brown’s explanations of geology help answer a question that sometimes comes up for me: “How could pterosaurs have survived to the modern day?”

I don’t imply that all species have survived, all kinds of pterosaurs known from fossils. But as far as we can tell from eyewitness descriptions, some pterosaur species that are still living differ only in limited ways from some of those that have left fossil evidence. We know of wonderful features of those flying creatures, from fossils and from sightings of living fliers. Strange as it sounds to Western ears, there is nothing primitive about any pterosaur. We get that idea of primitiveness from generations of deep indoctrination.

We know from countless centuries of breeding animals that size and outward appearance can differ greatly in members of a single species. Even without the major evolutionary changes imagined by Darwin, universally recognized changes (called by some “microevolution”), in size and outward appearance, could add up to a Chihuahua-like animal “evolving” into something like a Great Dane. But why would any animal remain mostly unchanged for millions of years? How unnatural!

My associates and I, who specialize in a narrow niche of cryptozoology, know of eyewitness testimonies that tie one form of modern flying creature to fossils of the Sordes Pilosus, a “basal” or Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. How shocking to most biologists! That type of pterosaur was supposed to have mostly become extinct before the shorter-tailed ones dominated the skies. What could be more of a shock than to learn that the more “primitive” pterosaurs are the ones that now dominate eyewitness descriptions of modern flying creatures? So why are some of us not so shocked?

Shrink many millions of years down to only a few thousand years. If the fossils were of creatures living a few thousand years ago, what is so shocking about a few of their species living today? We would then expect modern pterosaurs to be at least somewhat similar to some of those that have left us fossils. That is where hydroplates come in.

The Hydroplate Theory explains many features of our planet, including many facts of geology that have long puzzled scientists who have been indoctrinated into uniformitarianism. It explains processes that caused major changes in a short time, thousands of years ago, including how the bodies of many organisms were fossilized.

Patty Carson sketched this "pterodactyl" that she had observed in 1965 at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Flying creature, not millions of years ago but in 1965 in Cuba
