
Marfa Lights of Texas

Visitors who stop at the viewing platform, in this remote higher-elevation semi-desert area of southwest Texas, are unlikely to view any truly mysterious light on the particular night they happen to be driving through Marfa. The real Marfa Lights appear on just a few nights a year, although a nearby highway causes car headlights to appear mysterious to some viewers.

How do Marfa Lights relate to the Bible and to modern living pterosaurs? They only relate if those mysterious lights are related to the ropen lights of Papua New Guinea, for there the flying lights are the bioluminescence of large flying creatures described like nothing other than modern Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs.

But must those apparent pterosaurs (in Papua New Guinea, Texas, or elsewhere) be closely related to the fiery flying serpents of the Old Testament? Of course the ropen may differ greatly from the creatures that terrorized the Israelites who were led through the wilderness by Moses. Nevertheless, the potential similarities are striking.

The flying (and sometimes dancing) lights of Marfa, Texas, only show themselves a few times a year, in contrast to the counterfeit “strange” lights caused by headlights of cars on a nearby highway. But if those lights are caused by the same general kind of creature as the ropen of Papua New Guinea (large or giant featherless flying creature with a long tail), how would ancient people describe it? A featherless long-tailed creature that curled up its wings while in repose would surely bring to mind a snake. And the “fiery” part of “fiery flying serpents” could come from the glow, what we now call bioluminescence.


Pterodactyls in Texas

Car Headlights or Pterosaurs?

Darren Naish in the Modern Day

I’ve written elsewhere about this paleontologist, about his extensive criticism of the concept of modern living pterosaurs (“Pterosaurs alive in, like, the modern day”). His lengthy writings, on that one page, about questionable reports—they ring like strawman arguments to me, for the credible accounts are entirely neglected by Darren Naish. I appreciate his worthy contributions to paleontology, especially in regard to pterosaur fossils; but it seems to me that he has gone far afield in wandering into cryptozoology, and he seems unaware of how serious investigations of living pterosaurs are actually progressing.

I now comment on part of a comment (by Cameron, #12) on that blog by Naish. It is dated December 24, 2007.

Mr. Whitcomb, who frequents the forum as “jdw”, now claims that there are pterosaurs in…South Carolina. Considering how many bird enthusiasts there are in this country who seem to be able to spot anything slightly unusual or out of range, that would have to be one heckofa stealthy pterosaur.

The South Carolina pterosaur sighting was by Susan Wooten, who has maintained the truthfulness of her testimony for years. The description of that giant flying creature, seen in daylight near a swamp, is hardly unique in North America, but let’s examine Cameron’s statement, to see what he insinuates and if he reasons well. We need clear thinking.

Indeed we have many bird-watchers in the United States; I presume South Carolina is no exception. Watching birds is a popular hobby, but what is entailed? Well . . . watching birds and reporting those birds. So what does that tell us about a potential sighting of a giant Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur? Well . . . nothing.

What would I do, if I were a bird-watcher who saw a giant long-tailed pterosaur? I would certainly not bother trying to look up “pterodactyl” on my report form. But what would a typical bird-watcher do? Cameron seems to have missed something important here, for bird-watchers, every one of them, are quite human. Think about it: Who wants to be called “crazy?” Who wants to be ostracized?

Have I missed something here? Cameron commented on a sighting in South Carolina and seems to have dismissed it because it was of a large pterosaur. If a bird-watcher were brave enough to report that (and who is Cameron to declare that no bird-watcher has ever done so?) why would the general public react much differently? What’s wrong with the eyewitness who actually did report that sighting in South Carolina? Why should she be a bird-watcher?

Cameron seems to have dismissed the South Carolina pterosaur sighting with, “That would have to be one heckofa stealthy pterosaur.” What is really wrong with a living creature being extremely stealthy? If it lived in a country where almost every human believed it was extinct, that creature could fly around near a swamp on rare occasions. If it was a somewhat rare nocturnal creature, it would be much easier to go unclassified except as a cryptid. And how many hunters hunt pterosaurs in any swamp? And in which swamp would they look? And what tree would they climb in that swamp? It would be a challenging hunt, for a flying creature might never leave any footprint in a swamp.

Of course Cameron may not have intended any negative reflection on Susan Wooten, but I am grateful that his comment gave me an opportunity to bring up a kind of assumption that critics don’t seem to realize is an assumption: Lack of news reports of living pterosaurs does not mean that nobody sees apparent living pterosaurs.

I don’t know if that apparent ropen was startled out of a daytime sleep and forced into the air that day in South Carolina; I suspect it was. I don’t know if it is part of a colony in that part of North America or if it happened to have wandered away from tropical Central America. I don’t know if it is extremely stealthy or just somewhat rare and almost always nocturnal. I do know, as a former forensic videographer, experienced in judging the credibility of many eyewitnesses, that Susan Wooten is a credible eyewitness. I believe she saw something at least similar to a ropen. And I believe that the ropen is a modern living pterosaur.


cover of nonfiction cryptozoology book "Live Pterosaurs in America"Live Pterosaurs in America, by Jonathan David Whitcomb, is a nonfiction book in the true genre of cryptozoology. Read the astonishing accounts in the words of the eyewitnesses themselves. Sightings are examined in detail, and they are from many states, including California, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Kansas, and other states. This book has sold better than any other cryptozoology book about living pterosaurs, on from late 2009 through mid-2010.

Please support living-pterosaur investigations by purchasing this book about amazing eyewitness accounts of pterosaurs in many parts of the United States over many years.

For some teenagers and pre-teens, this book on living pterosaurs is a sure cure for boredom, with accounts of interviews done by both old and young American cryptozoologists, including one of the age of only twelve years.

What’s New With Living Pterosaurs?

Let’s consider some recent blogs and other web pages relevant to living pterosaurs research and investigations.

Life, Not Extinction, Is What Fossils Mostly Reveal

The paleontologist Darren Naish commented on the blog posting “Fossils are evidence of life, not extinction.” He supports the standard models that include universal extinctions of general types of organisms, namely pterosaurs. His lengthy web page “Pterosaurs alive in, like, the modern day!” bebunks many questionable older reports, and I believe some of his opinions have merit . . . But critical eyewitness sightings are absent from his blog post, and to those who have closely followed living-pterosaur investigations this neglect is obvious.

Flying Dinosaurs

Called by some Americans “flying dinosaurs,” pterosaurs, in modern times, appear to be at least somewhat rare, for they are rarely reported by eyewitnesses. . . .  the rarity of reports of eyewitnesses is from the ridicule that many of them face after telling people what they saw; it is not generally from insanity or dishonesty. . . . The “flying dinosaur” of Papua New Guinea is often called “ropen.” It seems to be a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur of immense size, far larger than any of the fossils of Rhamphorhynchoids . . .

Texas Pterosaur in 1995

. . . nobody forces any adult to disbelieve any story of a child. Several things have led me to believe that Aaron Tullock, as a child, saw a living pterosaur, regardless of American indoctrinations into universal extinctions, and I submit this account as credible. . . . “This thing flew over my head, about eight feet off the ground, and stopped and hovered in mid air. . . . flapping its featherless, bat-like wings, which were about four feet in span, maybe five. It had a tail about three feet long, with the . . . flange on the end . . . no head crest and no feathers at all . . .”

“Pterodactyl” Flies Over Military Ship

. . . a sailor on the U.S.S. Jouett (guided missle cruiser), CG-29. He told us about the night when he was surprised by an excited shipmate who summoned him out of his bunk. Many sailors had just witnessed a giant “pterodactyl” that had flown directly over the ship . . . If anyone has information on this, please send me an email . . .

Eskin Kuhn Sighting and Creationist “Claims” — There was no Hoax

Pterosaurs seen by Eskin Kuhn
Pterosaurs in Cuba in 1971

Regarding the sighting reported by Eskin Kuhn (two pterosaurs flying in Cuba in 1971), according to one blog writer, “The claim is a hoax. I no longer have the patience for dealing with creationist-related debunkings and I have no intention of actually writing up one for this topic.” But read the whole blog entry (it’s short) and you’ll find not a milligram of evidence for any hoax. It seems to be just another case of a critic ridiculing a concept because it is supported by persons who have the label “creationist.”

I have interviewed Eskin Kuhn (early 2010) by surprising him with a phone call; he had no time to prepare how to respond. The first thing he said to me was something like, “It was a long time ago.” He confirmed that the desciption he gave of the two apparent pterosaurs was an honest report of what he had seen; in early 2010 he had nothing to add, subtract, or change. I was moved by the high credibility of this man who has, since his 1971 sighting, been doubted by some critics. But I found strong indications that there was no hoax.

Let us recognize that much ridicule against living-pterosaur investigations has, at its root, a controversay regarding origin philosophies. Those who ridicule the researchers and interviewers often do so because they have adopted a different life-origin paradigm, very unlike that of creationists.


More about the pterosaur sighting by Eskin Kuhn

Compare the pterosaur sketches by Kuhn and Tullock

Long-tailed pterosaurs in Cuba

1400 American eyewitnesses of live pterosaurs

Last year I wrote a press release on my estimate of how many Americans have seen an obvious living pterosaur from 1980 through 2008. At least one cryptozoologist appeared to take offense, thinking that I was trying to use circular reasoning to promote the concept of living pterosaurs. Such was not my motive.

The eyewitness testimonies that we have received from many Americans, over the past few years–those are the evidence for living pterosaurs. The 1400 who mostly have kept quiet, not telling any cryptozoologist about any sighting–those testify, in their numbers, how serious is the problem we have in Western countries: Eyewitnesses are afraid to tell anybody about what they have seen. And 1400 is a conservative estimate.

See more about 1400 American Eyewitnesses