Nonfiction Book for Kids and Teens

By nonfiction-cryptozoology author Jonathan Whitcomb

This cryptozoology book, for readers from eight to fourteen years old is titled The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur. I make it clear, on the back cover and inside the book, that this is about living pterosaurs, which are not literally dinosaurs. It should be published by about the middle of November (2018).

This is not just the true-life adventure of a child who sees a flying creature: It explains how Patty Carson was disbelieved at first but gradually came to be believed, and it’s about a number of eyewitnesses, children, teenagers, and adults, who have seen these extraordinary animals.

Contents page in "The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur"

Table of Contents inside this cryptozoology book


Quoting part of the Introduction

This is more than a story of one little girl who saw a modern pterosaur. It’s about many persons who have seen these flying creatures: adults, teenagers, and children.

Several persons suggested that “flying dinosaur” would be a poor choice of words in the title. Pterosaurs are not, after all, dinosaurs. But when little Patty Carson ran home to tell her family what she had seen, in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, in 1965, she probably said something like, “I saw a flying dinosaur.”

Quoting from the last chapter: Conclusion

The first discovered pterosaur fossil examined by a Western scientist was in 1784, when Benjamin Franklin was still alive. Other fossils were discovered, yet none of the scientists were able to connect those remains of pterosaurs with any living animal. It looked like those pterosaur fossils must have come from animals that had become extinct.

Yet we can look closer. We now know about many kinds of animals now living. Some of them, however, were not known to any Western scientist in the year 1800. Let’s consider some of those animals, just a sampling . . .

front cover of this new cryptozoology book

Nonfiction for middle-grade and early-teen readers



The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur

This blog post, from October 19, 2018, is titled “New Book on Child (and Adult) Eyewitnesses of Living Pterosaurs.”


Nonfiction book for children and teens

As with most of my nonfiction books, this one [The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur] shows readers evidence, albeit mostly cryptozoological, for recent “dinosaurs” or pterosaurs.


Recent Dragons or Pterosaurs

What a wonderful world we live in, a planet that provides for so many forms of life! For many human cultures and in many periods of history, people have had no difficulty in believing in flying dragons [modern pterosaurs].


Book on cryptozoology (this nonfiction is on living pterosaurs)

Searching for Ropens and Finding God


Kids who see a pterodactyl

Sometimes the eyewitness of an apparent modern pterosaur was a child at the time of the sighting—Patty Carson saw one in Cuba around 1965.


Books on modern pterosaurs

This has a number of nonfiction books, including Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition) and Live Pterosaurs in America (3rd ed.).


Children who see living pterosaurs

Declaration on apparent modern pterosaurs