Pterosaurs in Australia – E-Book Nearly Complete

Three months ago I announced that my new book was mostly completed, I know. The final editing of the main content is now almost completed, but the index may take weeks of work. I still hope the book is published before the first of October.

Very little about origin philosophies will be mentioned in this book. It’s purely cryptozoological.

Brief Excerpts:

Title Page

I believe in living pterosaurs and hope they will soon be officially discovered. More important, I believe in you, that you can soar above dogmatic assumptions. I hope that you already understand that we are more than a by-product of culture: Our existence transcends the boundaries of the human cultural assumptions that have shaped our beliefs.


My American associates and I have explored remote jungles in Papua New Guinea, searching for living pterosaurs and interviewing native eyewitnesses. Most expeditions were led by one or two Americans, with one or two native interpreters. Did we fail or succeed? It depends on who interprets our investigations: skeptics who point out the lack of an official scientific discovery or open-minded cryptozoologists who recognize progress and hope for the future.

Not all explorers are from the United States. Brian Irwin (not related to Steve) has explored in Papua New Guinea, but most of his searching has been for dinosaurs rather than for pterosaurs.

Chapter Two

As the soldiers gazed in astonishment, the creature ran to their left, taking about eight steps to get airborne. Hodgkinson later estimated that the legs were three to four feet long. The wingspan was similar to that of a small private plane, about thirty feet. Hodgkinson’s attention was drawn to the head, so he could give only a rough estimate for the tail length: “at least” ten or fifteen feet long.

He thought the head was about three to four feet long, not counting the appendage that extended from the back of the head. That pointed appendage was about half the length of the head and held parallel to the neck, which was (like the head) about three to four feet long.

Pterodactyls in Australia – Another Book

Almost nobody is unmoved by an encounter with a living pterosaur, although some eyewitnesses refuse to lay aside the dogma of universal extinction. How many eyewitnesses hold onto that dogma? How can I tell? Those are the ones who feel safer hiding in the shadows, the ones who fear being bitten by the words of skeptics, the ones who never get in touch with me or with any other cryptozoologist.

New E-Book About Live Pterosaurs

This low-cost ebook gives detailed eyewitness accounts of the strange flying creatures seen in the Southwest Pacific, with explanations for why these sightings are absent from news headlines.


This ebook is published and now available on Amazon (Kindle): Live Pterosaurs in Australia and in Papua New Guinea.

nonfiction cryptozoology book in electronic format - living pterosaurs

$3.99 (US dollars) – also available for purchase with other currencies on other Amazon sites

Author: Jonathan David Whitcomb

Illustrated (on the cover) by Patty Carson and Eskin Kuhn

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Text-to-speech enabled

This newly published ebook is in pure nonfiction cryptozoology genre.

New Nonfiction Book on Modern Pterosaurs

The Amazon-Kindle version has a linked index and linked table of contents. I hope to make this nonfiction cryptozoology ebook availabe in other formats soon.