“Pterodactyl” or “Teradactyl”?

Whichever spelling you choose, it refers to a pterosaur.

This seems a good day to acknowledge the cryptozoological contributions of my associates who have searched for the ropen of Papua New Guinea. I quote from the second edition of my book Searching for Ropens:

. . . the pioneering investigations of Jim Blume, Carl Baugh, and Paul Nation illuminated the path for my own investigation in Papua New Guinea; the 2004 follow-through of Garth Guessman, David Woetzel, and Jacob Kepas filled in the gaps of previous expeditions, amplifying and supplementing the successes of those of us preceding them; the generosity of Alex Aguila made possible the 2006 expedition of Paul Nation, whose exploring of a remote area verified the location of many of the creatures (and he brought back the first visual images to the United States; the veracity of the images and testimonies were proven through the work of two physicists: Clifford Paiva and Harold Slusher); the eyewitness testimonies of natives, Australians, and an American veteran, contributed priceless evidence; the love of my wife and three daughters strengthened me to leave the comforts of home; the prayers of family, friends, and other Americans were answered when I found Luke Kenda, who became my interpreter, bodyguard, and counselor.

Modern Teradactyl in Texas

Intelligent ghost lights, even when we use “ghost lights” loosely, can put us out on a limb. Almost nobody wants to jump on that bandwagon on jump onto the back of a giant pterodactyl that might bite off ones head. College professors, in particular, feel vulnerable should they suggest intelligent modern pterosaurs are glowing at night in southwest Texas.

Creationists are Interviewed for a Canadian Television show

I also mentioned the possibility that some of the Marfa Lights in Texas are the bioluminescence of nocturnal flying creatures that may be related to the ropen of Papua New Guinea. I mentioned how the light splittings and rejoinings may be large flying creatures hunting the Big Brown Bat at night.

A Live Teradactyl

The ropen of Umboi Island [Papua New Guinea] flies out to a reef on many nights of the month. It may have a varied diet, but the second expedition of 2004 turned up eyewitness evidence that the creature carrys heavy giant clams up into the island interior to eat.