Another Sighting in Perth, Australia

The 1997 pterosaur sighting by a couple taking a walk in Perth, Australia, is known to many cryptozoologists. Less known, maybe almost unknown, is the sighting by a lady, five years later, very near that same neighborhood in Perth. In October of 2007, the lady sent me an email, informing me of the sighting.

Perth is far below the tropical climate zone in Australia, so the presence of any Flying Fox fruit bat is highly unlikely. That said, misidentification involving a fruit bat has been practically eliminated by the long tail described by the couple who saw the flying creature in 1997.

. . . one night . . . I looked out of my window which is at the back of the house. . . . I saw a huge shadow glide over [the house behind us]. It was at least 4 [meter] in wingspan and distinctly had a head. . . . there was no noise. Naturally I was freaked out.

Pterosaurs in Australia

[The 1997 Perth Creature] I would estimate that at this time it was about a quarter mile north of us and quite high. . . Within a minute or so it had reached our position and was about 250 or 300 feet above us and slightly inland. The area was moderately well lit and I saw that it seemed to be a light reddish-tan color. It did not appear to be covered with feathers but had a leathery texture. Soon after it passed us it flew over a more brightly lit sports area which highlighted even more the leathery appearance also bringing more detail to view. The wings were the most definite leathery feature, they were shaped in a triangular arch, similar to a very elongated shark fin, The body also still appeared leathery, though textured as though possibly covered with fine hair or small scales, the distance preventing any finer observation other than that it was slightly different texture than the wings . . .

Fruit Bats and Pterosaurs

When the Umboi native Jonah Jim was interviewed by Garth Guessman and David Woetzel, in 2004, he was shown a page of silhouettes of various species of birds, bats, and pterosaurs. From those thirty-four images, Jonah Jim chose number thirteen, which was of a Sordes Pilosus, a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur. In addition, he saw that the flying creature was glowing, and he estimated the tail length at two-and-a-half to three meters (8-9 feet long), eliminating the bat-misidentification idea.

No Hoax in Pterosaur Sightings

Interviewing eyewitnesses of apparent living pterosaurs, over the past five years, I know that a hoax (or a number of hoaxes) could not have produced the answers they have given me. While writing my book (“Live Pterosaurs in America”), I saw that the data accumulated from descriptions of apparent pterosaurs in the United States showed characteristics not to be expected from a hoax or hoaxes.