Exposing the Weaknesses of Uniformitarianism

Is it true that all geologic processes and natural laws that presently modify the earth’s crust are the only activities that have ever done so at any time in the past? Why insist on taking an absolute dogmatic approach to “the present is the key to the past?” Nobody insists that no major comet or asteroid could have collided with the earth long ago because we have seen no such a thing in recent years.

If geologists can look at Meteor Crater in Arizona and recognize an event not seen recently, who not look at many features of the earth in northern Arizona (and in Utah and Colorado) and recognize the possibility that major events took place thousands of years ago, events that have not taken place in recent years?

Overemphasizing present processes of geology is the key to enslaving geology students in a dungeon of ignorance when it is taught as if a religious dogma. Look to reason in each explanation and compare alternatives.